Jun 25, 2013

How to Improve Google Adsense CPC Rate to Earn More Money

In this Post i am going to Share Two simple tips and Tricks to improve Google Adsense CPC . Monetizing a website is not so easy and it is not everyone think by Google Adsence . Google Adsense is one of the major revenue program widely implemented by bloggers and webmasters . At least 90% of the Adsense users will tend to give up on this program at the early stage. This is because of the seldom revenue the see on their account. Either the CTR would be less or the CPC would be less, altogether the Adsense income wouldn't be as expected. At the same time there are millions of bloggers earn through this program for many years.

How do they able are able to Earn/Perform this ?

Many of the new comers are taught with false projections about the Adsense income figure. Seeing the words on the websites claiming to have earned $500 in one hour or something related to this number puts the newcomers to disappointment when they fail to see not even $1 in 7 days.

Of course, CPC is not the only factor to make your Adsense income huge. Including the traffic of your site there are other factors included in making a huge revenue. However, CPC (Cost Per Click) plays a major role in your Adsense revenue.

How to Improve Google Adsense CPC Rate?

Understanding what CPC is – The cost per click is the amount of money that advertiser pays to Google (through adwords). You, as a publisher (through Adsense program) when their advertisements are being placed in your blogs/sites, they’ll be charged whenever someone clicks on their Advertisement – which makes your revenue.
Discussing about how to improve the CPC – one cannot ask the advertiser pay more for their advertisement. Instead, a blogger need to find out the high-paying advertiser. Bring in high-paying advertiser to your blog/site which will give you a high CPC.

How to bring high-paying ads to your website?

There are two ways to assume a high-paying advertiser. First is to generalize the advertiser from certain countries.
For example – a website that operates or receives high traffic in US or UK will have high earning compared to a website that operates or receives its major traffic in Philippines, Pakistan, India, Nepal or in any other country. In these countries online advertising is not highly competitive so If you are a beginner to start a blog, it would be better to concentrate on good and useful articles aiming to attract visitors from high-paying countries. Even if you have been blogging for a long time for your country, it would be sensible to add a few articles for other country People too , if your aim is to earn more from Google Adsense. Increasing your CPC through this method is very easy.

The second way to bring in high CPC is to write articles on new or current topics which is commercially in demand. For example – when the iPhone 6 is on its release, there would be more advertisers online to pull in customers to their shop or website. To bring in those high-paying advertisers to your site, it would be better to write unique and useful article on iPhone 6 when it is hot in the market.

Though there are expensive tools and methods to improve Google Adsense CPC, the above methods are highly recommendable and easy to use. Investing your time and money to improve the CPC must be useful. Other than these generalized predictive methods, there wouldn't be any other magical tool that would increase the CPC.

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  2. I am still not able to increase my CPC, trying a lot of ways to improve my CTC for my website http://www.satitjobs.com & http://www.vasanthjobs.com

  3. very helpful article, thanks a lot



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